
Thyroid disorders can have many causes that are overlooked by conventional medicine. Fatigue, weight gain, depression are all signs of a thyroid problem but these can be overcome with the right treatment and evaluation. In many ways your thyroid acts as a control center for your body. It regulates metabolism, which in turn affects energy levels. The thyroid also helps regulate how hormones and vitamins are used and distributed through the body. The thyroid impacts body and tissue growth which is important to people of all ages. When the thyroid is overactive (hyperthyroidism) or under active (hypothyroidism), the body can send you many different signs that things are not functioning as they should. A low, under active thyroid can present itself physically and emotionally. Often time's hypothyroid sufferers will find themselves in an uncharacteristic state of depression. Physically a low thyroid often presents itself through constipation, lack of appetite, fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss in both women and men. Having a healthy thyroid means that difference between always feeling exhausted and having energy to do things you desire; feeling on edge and being able to relax; feeling like a normal, healthy person, and knowing that something is amiss in your daily health. Don't be afraid to face thyroid issues, and know that the option to help you best address your thyroid is out there among the many medical and professional options and actions. You may have a thyroid problem if you have any of the following symptoms: Fatigue Sluggishness Increased sensitivity to cold Constipation Pale, dry skin A puffy face Hoarse voice An elevated blood cholesterol level Unexplained weight gain Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints Muscle weakness Heavier than normal menstrual periods Brittle fingernails and hair Depression one or more of these signs may indicate a thyroid issue. > Muscle or joint pain may indicate a thyroid problem. > Fertility issues may be cause by thyroid dysfunction. > Neck swelling or discomfort is another sign of a thyroid issue > Hair may become brittle, coarse, or even fall out as result of a thyroid problem. Skin may also become dry or scaly, or in severe instances even become thin and tender. > Mood changes as extreme as depression, anxiety, or even panic attacks may be symptoms of thyroid problems. Especially depression that does not alleviate as prescription antidepressants are taken. > Consistent bowl issues ranging from prolonged constipation to upset stomach or diarrhea and frequent bowel movements. Sudden changes or an ongoing irregularity could be a sign of a thyroid issue. > Sleep issues may be cause of thyroid dysfunction. Insomnia may be one symptom, but also fatigue or unwarranted exhaustion. Some thyroid sufferers sleep eight to ten hours a night and still may not be able to function throughout the day, requiring rest or naps. > Cholesterol changes, high or low, which do not respond to medications, or changes in exercise and diet adjustments, may be caused by thyroid problems. Cholesterol spikes of drops may be caused by many factors, so it is best to speak with a doctor to rule out other possible causes. > Weight change can be cause by an unhealthy thyroid. Weight issues can range from an inability to lose weight, losing weight while making no diet or exercise changes, or losing weight while even eating more than typical.